Think a business plan is just paperwork? Think again. It’s essential for making a success of a venture. 70% of businesses that survive beyond 5 years follow a strategic plan. Aspiring entrepreneurs with a plan are 129% more likely to push past the startup phase.

There’s more. Entrepreneurs with a business plan are 260% more likely to launch their business than those without. Once launched, businesses with plans grow 30% faster. But even though it makes sense on paper, only 33% of business owners have a written plan. Don't be in that group. Be in the group that's twice as likely to grow their business.

Beat the odds by making your plan right now. Here are 10 ChatGPT prompts to help you create your business plan. Copy and paste the prompts, personalize the square brackets, and get your plan to get started today.

Make your business plan: ChatGPT prompts for a comprehensive document

Get the outline

"Help me outline the key components of a comprehensive business plan for my new business in the [describe your industry/niche] space. [Provide any specifics about your business if available.] Include purpose, target audience, SWOT analysis, marketing plan, sales strategy, offer description, finance projections, operations information and risk mitigation. Add any other areas I should think about. Once you create the outline, await further instructions for each section."

This sets the foundation. Don't skip any crucial sections.

Define your purpose

"What are the critical questions I need to answer to define my business's mission, vision, and values? Guide me through articulating these clearly for my business plan."

Your 'why' matters. Make it crystal clear.

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Know your market

"Assist me in detailing my business's target market and customer segments by asking questions about my ideal customer profile. What specific information should I include to make this section robust and informative?"

If you don't know who you're selling to, you're already in trouble.

Analyze your position

"I want to create a SWOT analysis for my business plan. Guide me through identifying my business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats by asking probing questions about each area. Finally, present a table showing a SWOT analysis for my startup, with 5 in each category."

Know yourself and your market. It's critical.

Plan your marketing

"Using the information you have about my business, the service and the audience, create a detailed marketing strategy for my business plan that covers customer acquisition, engagement, and retention. Before beginning, ask 3 more questions about my business to enable you to complete the plan."

No customers, no business. Make this section count.

Strategize your sales

"Help me develop a sales strategy for my business plan that aligns with my marketing efforts and targets my ideal customer. Include suggestions for pricing and distribution channels."

Your roadmap to revenue. Get it right.

Describe your offering

"Assist me in creating a product or service description for my business plan that clearly conveys its value and benefits. Before creating this plan, ask probing questions about my product or service to fill in the gaps."

What are you selling? Make it irresistible.

Project your finances

"What should I include in the financial projections section of my business plan? Help me outline the key financial statements and assumptions needed for a realistic forecast. I’d like a 12-month projection and then a more top-level 3 year projection. Ask me questions to gather information before creating this forecast."

Numbers talk. Make sure yours tell a good story.

Plan your operations

"Help me draft the operations and management plan for my business. What should I include to show how my business will be run day-to-day and who will be involved? Tie this in with my growth and financial projections and ask questions to fill in any gaps before completing the plan."

The nuts and bolts matter. Don't gloss over this.

Mitigate your risks

"Guide me through identifying the risks to my business and how to include mitigation strategies in my business plan. What common risks should I consider for the type of business I’m starting?"

When you have everything, tie it together.

“Present this business plan in its entirety, so I have it in one place. Going back over our conversation, extract the elements of my final business plan, leaving out our back and forth exchanges. My goal is to paste this information into a new document, in one go.”

Go through the plan line by line. Get a second opinion. Attract customers, secure investors, and have solid foundations from which to begin.

ChatGPT prompts: make your business a success with a robust business plan

Use these prompts to dive deep with ChatGPT and create a business plan that stands up to questioning. Don’t be caught off guard by customers, investors, or not knowing your numbers.

A solid plan doesn't guarantee success, you still have to do the work. But do the work knowing that the odds are stacked in your favour. Know the lay of the land before you begin your trek. You’ve got this.