Monday, April 29, 2019

The 6 most important ingredients of a successful social video

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, a video might just be priceless.
The number of daily videos produced on Instagram has quadrupled in the last five years, and YouTube users watch more than a billion hours of content every day. With stats like these, it’s no wonder 87 percent of online marketers are investing in video content.
What does it take to create a top notch social video? To save you a bit of headache and a whole lot of blooper reel, we’re sharing some of our most effective tips here.
Bonus: Want to know how a viral social video creator makes millions of dollars in sales? Download the free guide now.

The 6 most important ingredients of a successful social video

1. Be platform-conscious

From YouTube to TikTok, there are dozens of different video platforms to choose from. Make sure you tailor your video accordingly, just like you would with any other content.
Here are a few quick tips for getting it right:
  • Choose platforms that engage your audience
  • The first step to creating a killer social video is deciding where to post it.
Some platforms, like Facebook, have a wide user base, attracting different ages, genders, and income levels. Others reach only a narrow demographic.
For example, Pinterest resonates with 25 to 44 year olds, while Snapchat almost exclusively attracts teens and young adults.
Before you even pick up a camera, ask yourself two questions:
  • Who am I trying to reach?
  • Why am I trying to reach them?
If you’re trying to educate your audience, consider posting your video on LinkedIn. If you’re simply trying to entertain, YouTube might be a better bet.

Size really does matter

The ideal aspect ratio for your video can vary from platform to platform. Facebook alone supports more than five different formats!
Make sure to brush up on the recommended specs for your platform of choice before producing your video. Optimize for each place you post to avoid stretched images or black bars around your content.
If you don’t have time to optimize for each platform, a 1:1 aspect ratio usually does the trick. Plus, square videos take up 78 percent more social media feed real estate than landscape (16:9), so this strategy may win you some extra attention.

Upload directly to the platform

Not all platforms are compatible with each other—another reason it’s important to optimize your videos for different social channels.
YouTube is owned by Google, a direct competitor to Facebook, which means YouTube links don’t do well on Facebook. By uploading directly to the platform, your video will look better and get up to 10x more organic shares.
Here’s an example from our own Facebook page. This (adorable) YouTube video got a little lost in our feed, but our native content really pops.

2. Be mindful of time

Our attention span is just eight seconds long—shorter than a goldfish’s! Keeping viewers engaged from start to finish is tough, but it doesn’t have to be impossible.

Keep it short and sweet

Stick to a 60-second time limit if you can.
While only five percent of people will stop watching a video after one minute, 60 percent will after two. Not only are short videos easier to finish, they also eat up less data—making them perfect for mobile viewers.

But don’t rule out long-form

Lengthier videos can make their mark too. On Facebook, videos over 90 seconds get more views and shares. On YouTube, the average mobile user session is an hour long.
But if you decide to go long, make sure your content is top notch. Luckily, brands like AirBnB and Hyundai are known for their long-form videos, so there are lots of great examples out there to learn from.
This AirBnB video about a family in Palm Springs is more than a minute long, but is one of the company’s top-performers on YouTube.

3. Optimize for mobile

Over half of all videos are viewed on mobile. For Twitter, that number is as high as 93 percent!
Here are a couple of simple tips for getting mobile friendly
Simplify your graphics
Make sure your visuals look great on a small screen. Think bold, bright, and—if you’re using text—legible. Remove visual clutter to boost comprehension, and test your video on several different screens before posting it.
For example, our Hootsuite Boost video uses vibrant colors and a clear, high impact font that’s easy to read, whatever the screen size.

Play it with the sound off

Most viewers will be watching your video in public spaces: on the bus, in line for coffee, at the office. This means they’re probably also watching it on mute. 85 percent of YouTube videos are now watched without sound!
Before sharing your video, do a quick sound check. Is it engaging with and without audio?
Add a compelling caption or description to help fill in any gaps, and add subtitles if needed. Bonus: subtitles will help make your video more accessible for hearing-impaired viewers.

4. Use analytics

36 percent of businesses now use some form of video analytics. Don’t be the last to the data party! Here are two ways to get analytical:

Track and improve

There are tons of helpful social media analytics tools out there. Keep tabs on how your videos are performing, and consider what you could do to improve them.
Some key questions to ask include:
  • Are people watching my videos from start to finish?
  • Are my videos underperforming on any platform?
  • Which topics are getting the most views or shares?

Reuse content with a proven track record

Analytics are also great for generating ideas for future videos.
Does your company have a blog? Dive into your user stats to identify top-performing content that could be repurposed for video.
Before settling on any idea, check whether it meets these three criteria:
  • Digestible: Is it easy to understand?
  • Condensible: Can it be communicated in 1 minute or less?
  • Visual: Could it involve a graphics element?

5. Offer quality content

It may seem obvious, but it’s still worth saying: make your content worth it.

Provide real value

Web pages with a value proposition keep visitors engaged for longer. The same is true for social video.
As adorable as cats on Roombas are, some of the top performing YouTube content is useful in some way.
Just look at our video “5 Free Sites for Awesome Social Media Images”. It was one of our most watched videos in both 2017 and 2018. Why? Our video solved a real problem for marketers, who often spend hours browsing the web for free stock photos.

Tell a story

Stories are a basic part of human nature. Plus, because storytelling actually originated with visual stories,video is the ideal medium for putting your narrative skills to the test.
As digital storytellers, we need to answer these questions:
  • Who is the hero?
  • What is the plot?
  • Does my video have a clear beginning, middle, and end?
  • What is the setting?
  • What’s the conflict?
Writing out a script, using a storyboard, or talking a colleague through the key plot points in your video are all great ways to make sure your story is strong.
Apple’s “Unlock” is an example of visual storytelling at its best. Created to announce the launch of the new iPhone X, the video grabs attention with a fast-paced plot and a surprising twist.

Get sentimental

Emotion is a powerful communication tool, just like stories. But not all emotions are created equal.
Positive messages are more shareable than negative ones. High intensity emotions—like surprise, awe, and joy—are the most shareable of all.
Videos can evoke far more emotions than photos. While not every video needs to pull at heartstrings, connecting with viewers on a human level can go a long way.
For example, our “#knowyoursocial” video combines surprise and humour and has more than 10K views on YouTube.

6. Start with a bang—and end with a call to action

We are predisposed to remember beginnings and endings better than anything else. Make sure you pack an extra punch at the start and end of your video:

The first 3 seconds are the most important

Forty-five percent of people who watch the first 3 seconds of a video will continue for at least 30 more. Hook viewers right from the start with something that sparks their interest, inspires their curiosity, or catches them off-guard.
Our Facebook video “2019 Social Trends” literally starts with a bang. The first 3 seconds are dynamic and colourful, and the question “Are You Ready for 2019?” quickly piques the viewer’s interest.

Seal the deal with a stellar CTA

Videos have one of the highest conversion rates of all content. Including a video on a landing page can increase conversion rates by as much as 80 percent.
Include a clear Call To Action at the end of your video to benefit from all the effort you’ve put in. Whether your goal is to get viewers to buy a product or simply to follow your brand, this crucial step moves your hard-won audience to the ‘next step’ in your sales funnel.
Writing a compelling CTA can take some time and experimentation. It also differs between platforms. But all awesome CTAs share a few things in common: they’re personal, straightforward, actionable—and they pay off!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What is Influencer Marketing? The Complete Guide

The digital marketing landscape is always on the verge of being disrupted by a new breakthrough. Marketers and business owners need to stay abreast of the latest trends and statistics. One such development that has taken social media and digital marketing by storm is the rise of influencer marketing. But what is influencer marketing, really?
It involves working with people who are considered influencers to promote a brand, campaign, or product. It is a highly effective method to expand reach, create brand awareness, reinforce customer loyalty, and drive conversions.
Many brands are proactively harnessing the potential of influencer marketing. According to a report by Linqia, influencer marketing was used by 86% marketers in 2017. And 88.5% of them considered it to be valuable for their overall marketing strategies.
This makes it imperative for business owners to explore this avenue, regardless of the size and niche of their businesses. Before we discuss the questions of what is influencer marketing and how it can be leveraged, let us first understand the concept of influencers.

Understanding the Power of Influencers

To better understand the question of what is influencer marketing, you need to first understand who are influencers?
Social media influencers are different from the celebrities of yesteryears. In simple terms, influencers are people who can influence the decisions and opinions of other people.
They are often perceived as industry experts. They also share a friendly rapport with their followers. As a result of their influence, they tend to have a significant and loyal social media following.
Unlike some celebrities, influencers don’t live under the veil of secrecy. They use their social media profiles to maintain a personal connection with their fans.
This helps them develop a trusted community of followers who perceive them as authority figures on certain subjects. Such followers see them as role models and often swear by their recommendations.
It is evident that influencers have a certain amount of power within their fan communities. And it is this power that can be leveraged by brands to reach out to a massive audience.
Since their followers readily place their faith in the influencer, it becomes easier for brands to promote their products or services. An influencer marketing campaign, if executed properly, can help increase sales and provide a high ROI.
Let’s now try to better understand the question of what is influencer marketing. We will also explore the various advantages it offers when compared to other forms of digital marketing.

What is Influencer Marketing?

If you have reached 2019 without understanding the question of what is influencer marketing, it’s high time you brush up your marketing knowledge.
In layman’s terms, influencer marketing is the process of partnering with influencers to promote a brand and its products or services. It involves spotting the right influencers and working with them to create powerful campaigns that put your brand at the center.
According to Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 2.77 billion in 2019. It is likely that your potential customers are already using one or more social networking platforms. Reaching out to this target audience on social media is of the utmost importance.
However, owing to fierce competition and changes in social media algorithms, your content may not always be able to cut through the noise to reach your target audience. This is where influencer marketing can be extremely helpful.
Collaborating with an influencer gives you direct access to their loyal and engaged fan base. This is useful to expand your reach and boost brand awareness. It also saves you the trouble of identifying and targeting the right audience. That job is already taken care of by the influencer.
It’s important to note that adding an influencer’s voice to your content increases its credibility. Consumers are highly skeptical and often find it difficult to trust brands that blow their own trumpets. They often tend to ignore content that is overly promotional.
They’d rather rely on content and recommendations from a trusted influencer. In fact, according to the previously-cited Linqia study, influencer content yields far better results than brand-created content.
Image via Linqia
Influencer-created content is often perceived as more authentic because it comes from real people who are also authority figures. Such content often drives more engagement in terms of likes and comments on social media and blog posts.
And if an influencer’s fan community likes your content, they are also likely to share it within their own networks. This helps you take your content to an even larger audience and in turn, enhance brand awareness.
Recommendations from influencers can also have a positive impact on your brand’s reputation. If an influencer posts about their positive experience with your brand, their followers will be naturally drawn to your products or services. This can be extremely useful in generating new leads and increasing sales. Needless to say, this has a significant impact on the overall growth of your business.
Partnering with influencers also has a positive effect on your website’s search engine rankings. By taking your content to a larger audience, you can drive more traffic to your site. In addition, influencer marketing also improves your inbound link profile. A properly executed influencer marketing campaign helps you earn high-quality backlinks.
Finally, working with influencers lets you leverage their content creation skills. Influencers create highly valuable user-centric content for their followers on a regular basis.
So when you collaborate with an influencer, it breathes new life into your own content strategy and gives you access to a treasure trove of user-generated content. In addition to keeping your social feed fresh and unique, this can also improve your search engine rankings.
Now that you understand the answers to the questions of what is influencer marketing, let’s discuss the real-life example of a business that has utilized it well.

How Influencer Marketing Worked for Daniel Wellington

When 26-year-old, Filip Tsyander, launched his watch company, Daniel Wellington, in 2011, he ditched the conventions of advertising. Instead of getting his products endorsed by high-profile celebrities, Tsyander decided to tap into the potential of social media influencers.
He gifted DW watches to selected influencers and encouraged them to post a picture of the product on their social media profiles along with the branded hashtag, #DanielWellington. In addition, these influencers were provided with promo codes to offer their followers a discount on watches from the brand.
This was extremely useful in increasing brand awareness and helped the company attract more than 1 million Instagram followers within the first year. Today, the brand has 4.5 million followers on Instagram and is regarded as one of the fastest growing companies in Europe.
Image via Instagram
The biggest takeaway from this example is the manner in which Daniel Wellington utilizes user-generated content. And the brand’s social media team works towards building long-term relationships with influencers and engage with followers on a regular basis.
This helps build a sense of community, reinforcing customer engagement and loyalty. In addition, assigning a specific promo code to each influencer makes it easier for the brand to evaluate the collaborations that are truly profitable.
It is also noteworthy how the brand solely focuses on one social media platform (Instagram) to connect with their potential customers. This is an obvious choice considering how Daniel Wellington’s target audience is mostly comprised of young, dynamic, and creative individuals.
In addition, the brand often collaborates with several micro-influencers whose style and personality resonate with Daniel Wellington’s image.
Now you have a more thorough understanding of the answers to the question what is influencer marketing, and how it has impacted the growth of businesses. However, creating and executing an influencer marketing campaign is easier said than done. It requires a complete understanding of your target audience and the goals that you want to accomplish.

How to Achieve Success with Influencer Marketing

According to a survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer marketing ranked first on the list of fastest-growing customer-acquisition methods. The growth of influencer marketing is encouraging many business owners and marketers to collaborate with influencers.
As a result, your influencer marketing campaign is likely to face stiff competition from other brands. This demands meticulous planning and execution in order to achieve the desired results from your campaign.
In addition to a thorough knowledge of what is influencer marketing, you also need to identify the right influencers. This demands detailed insights about your target audience and the brand image that you want to project. In addition, the content you create must be of the best quality in order to ensure that it strikes a chord with an influencer’s fan base.

Set Your Objectives

What are your expectations from the influencer marketing campaign?
  • Do you want to earn high-quality backlinks and drive more traffic to your website?
  • Would you like to increase engagement on your social media profiles?
  • Or do you want to drive more conversions and increase sales?
Your answers to these questions will determine which influencers you should collaborate with. Your end goal also has an impact on the type of content you will create in collaboration with the influencer.
So it is important to list a set of well-defined objectives even before you approach an influencer. Having a clear idea of your goals also makes it easier to evaluate the success or failure of your campaign.
In addition, it is also important to allocate a specific budget for the campaign. Your budget will have an impact on the influencer you can work with.
While bartering can work in certain cases (such as Daniel Wellington), most influencers demand monetary compensation. Regardless of your budget, you should try to provide the chosen influencer with all of the necessary resources to create high-quality content.

Identify the Right Influencers

The success of your influencer marketing campaign depends on the influencers you choose to collaborate with. The most important thing is to identify influencers who are relevant to your niche. Otherwise, their followers won’t take any interest in your products or services.
An easy way to find the most relevant and popular influencers is to run a Google search. You can also use influencer marketing platforms such as Influence.coBuzzSumo, etc. for this.
If you have a fair idea of what is influencer marketing, you must also be aware of how important it is to identify the right influencers. When selecting an influencer, you should keep the following points in mind:
  • Reach — How huge is the influencer’s fan base? The bigger their following size, the bigger your campaign reach.
  • Relevance — The niche in which the influencer works must be relevant to your business. This is crucial in order to reach your target audience. In addition, the content style and personality of the influencers should align with your brand image.
  • Engagement — Once you have spotted an influencer with a high follower count, take a look at the comments section to understand how their audience engages with their content. Do their social media posts get a lot of likes and comments from their followers? How often are these posts shared by their followers?You should also evaluate the manner in which the influencer interacts with their fans. To get a better idea of an influencer’s engagement rate, you can use my Instagram Engagement Calculator.
Image via
  • Experience — Working with influencers who have worked on similar projects earlier is always beneficial. They can add further insights to make your campaign more successful.
  • Platform — Certain influencers have better influence on specific social media platforms. In order to select the right influencers, you need to determine which platform is best suited for your brand and then select an influencer with influence on that platform. For instance, if you are looking to reach out to young photographers, Instagram would be the best platform.
Once you’ve spotted the influencer you want to collaborate with, try to establish a rapport with them before you approach them for collaboration. This helps build a long-term relationship and makes it easier for you to work with them on a regular basis. Nurturing strategic partnerships with the right influencers is more beneficial than working on a one-time campaign with them.

Don’t Ignore Micro-Influencers

When discussing what is influencer marketing, it’s crucial that you don’t forget about micro-influencers. They’re a savior for small businesses and businesses with small budgets.
Most influencers with millions of followers will charge a hefty sum in order to promote your brand. If you don’t have that kind of budget, you may consider working with micro-influencers.
Despite having a relatively small fan base, micro-influencers often have a highly-engaged audience. This is especially useful for small businesses that are looking to find traction in a specific location.

Create User-Centric Content

Despite the shifting trends of influencer marketing, top-notch content is still at the core of every successful campaign. The idea is to create meaningful content that adds value to the reader’s/viewer’s life. In the absence of good content, even the most popular influencers won’t be able to provide the desired results.
The best way to do this is to give full creative control to the influencer. They create content for their followers on a regular basis. Therefore, they have a clear understanding of what their audience is likely to accept and reject.
When it comes to the type of content, you can choose among the following depending on your end goal:

Product Reviews and Testimonials

According to a study by, influencers are the most trusted and effective source of driving sales.
This is obvious considering the fact that influencers are perceived as industry experts by their fans. Therefore, getting an influencer to review your product on their social media profiles can generate a plethora of leads for your business. In addition, it your boosts brand reputation and customer loyalty.
For instance, international hotel chain, Choice Hotels collaborated with various lifestyle influencers and bloggers to promote their new brands, Cambria and Comfort Inn.
They invited popular influencers such as Chelsea Foy to stay at one of their properties and share an authentic account of their experience through videos, photographs, and blog posts. The campaign was immensely successful, reaching more than 40 million potential customers.
Take a look at the blog post written by Chelsea Foy as part of this campaign:
Image via Lovely Indeed

Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are great tools for increasing brand awareness and reaching a wide audience network. They are also a great way to boost engagement.
Typically, an influencer uses their social media profile to announce a contest in which their followers have to participate in a poll or vote. In addition, they may be required to like the post, tag their friends and upload content with a specific branded hashtag.
The winner is usually rewarded with a prize. It’s ideal that the prize is related to your brand. For instance, you could offer a free trial of your service or a gift basket of your products as the prize. This takes your brand closer to your target audience. If the winner has a nice experience with your brand, they may end up recommending it to their friends and relatives.

Q&A, Interviews, and Podcasts

You can also create a series of podcasts and interviews with popular influencers in your niche. This provides your audience with valuable and interesting information. It positions you as a brand that cares for the growth of your customers. With regularly scheduled podcasts, your audience remains hooked to your social media pages in anticipation of the next episode.
You can boost engagement further by conducting live podcasts with influencers, and take questions from the audience. In addition, you should also encourage influencers to share the episode featuring them with their own networks. This is a great way to increase brand awareness in an organic way. It also drives more traffic to your social media profiles and website.

Social Media Takeover

Social media takeovers are becoming increasingly popular among brands. Simply put, you relinquish control of one or more of your social media profiles to an influencer for an agreed period of time. The influencer will then create and upload content on your behalf. Such content is often perceived as more authentic and credible.
For instance, Sony Alpha invites photographers to take over their Instagram page. The photographers just have to upload pictures taken using a Sony Alpha camera and share their experience with the product. In addition to giving a fresh look to the brand’s Instagram page, such posts also act as testimonials from trusted real-life users.
Image via Instagram

Guest Posting

If you want to collaborate with influential bloggers, guest posting is the way to go. You can either invite bloggers to contribute guest posts to your website or approach them to publish your posts on their social media profiles. Getting published on a popular blogger’s website helps you earn high-authority backlinks and reach a wide audience.

Keep It Legal

Knowing what is influencer marketing is important for the execution of a successful campaign. However, it is equally important to have a working knowledge of the FTC guidelines in order to ensure that your business doesn’t face any legal hassles. Maintain transparency through a clear sponsorship disclosure.
In addition, it is also advisable to sign a legal contract with the influencers. Make sure you include the timelines, deliverables, and payment terms. Putting these details on paper helps you avoid any miscommunication at a later stage.

Evaluating the Success of Your Influencer Marketing Campaign

Marketers have come a long way to understand what is influencer marketing and use it to their advantage. However, one challenge that they still face is in determining the ROI of their influencer marketing campaign.
In order to calculate the ROI of the campaign, you need to consider how it has affected your brand in the following areas:
  • Social media following
  • Increase in traffic
  • Organic reach (likes, comments, shares, mentions, etc.)
  • Hashtag mentions
  • Direct conversions/sales
Determining the success of your campaign becomes easier if you assign a customized and trackable link to each influencer. Design a specific landing page to direct traffic from all of your influencer-backed posts.
You can also create customized promotional codes and unique hashtags for each influencer. These tools can be effective in determining which influencer partnerships are delivering the desired ROI.


Knowing what is influencer marketing is no longer sufficient for business owners and marketers. Tapping into its potential is becoming imperative for brands.
While content is at the core of such campaigns, brands should also adhere to FTC guidelines and develop suitable parameters to evaluate their success. A successful influencer marketing campaign increases conversions while boosting brand awareness, customer loyalty, and engagement.