Sunday, April 7, 2013

55 Shareable Stats on Content Marketing Trends and Tactics

Tweetable Facts and Figures
55 Shareable Stats on Content Marketing Trends and Tactics image 36688217 resized 600Content is what brings us together today. In all seriousness, there are few things more in-style than a content strategy that involves branded content creation, curation, and maybe even a little bit of outsourcing. Inspired by some of the latest major studies on how marketers use blog articles and offers to connect with prospects, we’ve curated a major list of stats and facts that will blow your mind:
1. Spending on content marketing, video marketing, and social media will increase by 15.1% in 2013 to a total of $118.4 billion. (Source: eMarketer).
2. Nine in 10 organizations market with content. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
3. According to 37% of marketing managers, the most important way to engage customers is content-led websites. (Source: The CMA)
4. 78% of chief marketing officers think custom content is the future of marketing. (Source: Hanley-Wood Business Media)
5. Eight out of 10 CMOs believe custom content should be an integral part of a marketing strategy.(Source: Hanley-Wood Business Media)
6. The use of video content has risen from 52% in 2011 to 70% in 2012. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
7. The use of mobile-optimized content marketing has risen from 15% in 2011 to 33% in 2012. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
8. The use of virtual video conferences has risen from 10% in 2011 to 28% in 2012. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
9. Companies with fewer than 10 employees typically allocate 42% of their marketing budget to content. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
10. Companies with over 1,000 employees typically allocate 24% of their marketing budget to content. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
11. The average, annual spend on branded content outsourcing was a $371,364, and $987,417 for companies that exclusively outsource. (Source: Custom Content Council)
12. Lack of human resources (42%) and lack of budget (35%) are key barriers to content marketing. (Source: eConsultancy and Outbrain)
13. 54% of brands don’t have an on-site, dedicated content creator. (Source: eConsultancy and Outbrain)
14. Creating original content was seen as the biggest challenge for 69% of content marketers. (Source: Curata)


15. 37% of marketers say blogs are the most valuable type of content marketing.(Source: Content Plus)
16. Companies with 10,000 or more employees use an average of 18 different content marketing tactics. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
17. Company blogs were viewed as “most useful” form of content.(Source: HubSpot)
18. 79% of content marketers produced articles. (Source: Smart Insights)
19. The average marketer made 145 website content updates in 2012. (Source: Custom Content Council)

The ROI of Content

20. Content marketers use unique visitors (88%), pageviews per visitor (76%) and total pageviews (71%) as their main metrics. (Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain)
21. Companies that spend more than 50% of their lead generation budget on inbound marketing report a significantly lower cost-per-lead. (Source: Hubspot)
22. B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those who do not blog. (Source: Social Media B2B)
23. Organic search leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound marketing leads have a 1.7% close rate (Source: Hubspot)
24. Articles with images get 94% more views. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
25. Image-based stories on Facebook get 37% more engagement. (Source: Jeff Bullas)
26. Sites can double their organic search traffic by including a video thumbnail in search rankings. (Source: Visibility IQ)
27. 39% of customers come from organic search queries. (Source: Marketing Charts)
28. 58% of consumers trust editorial content. (Source: Nielsen)

B2B Content Marketing

29. 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
30. The average B2B marketer uses 12 different content marketing tactics. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
31. 11% of B2B companies use over 20 different content marketing tactics. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
32. 64% of B2B marketers believe case studies are the most effective content marketing tactics. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
33. 87% of B2B marketers use social media to distribute content, up from 74% in 2011. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
34. B2B marketers use an average of 5 social media sites to distribute content. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
35. 79% of B2B marketers use content marketing to achieve brand awareness goals. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
36. 60% of B2B marketers use web traffic to measure effectiveness of content marketing. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
37. 56% of B2B marketers create content in-house exclusively, an increase of 18% over 2011. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
38. 54% of brands cited increased engagement as the number one value of content. (Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain)
39. 74% of European online retailers believe they can influence what consumers buy. (Source: Intershop)
40. Only 38% of brands have a defined a content marketing strategy. (Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain)
41. 23% use a cross-departmental approach to content marketing. (Source: Econsultancy and Outbrain)
42. 28% of B2B companies use 5-9 different content marketing tactics. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)

B2C Content Marketing

43. 86% of B2C marketers use content marketing. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)

Consumer Insights

44. The use of research reports has risen from 25% in 2011, to 44% in 2012. (Source: Content Marketing Institute and Marketing Profs)
45. 20% of users’ time is spent surfing the Internet on content-led websites. (Source: The CMA)
46. 80% of business decision-makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
47. 60% of consumers are more likely to be on the lookout for products when looking at content marketing. (Source: The CMA)
48. 68% of consumers are likely to spend time reading content from a brand they are interested in. (Source: The CMA)
49. 37% of consumers visit content marketing websites at least once a month.(Source: The CMA)
50. 57% of consumers read content marketing titles at least once a month. (Source: The CMA)
51. 82% of consumers like reading content from brands when it’s relevant. (Source: The CMA)
52. 70% of consumers prefer getting to know a company via articles rather than ads. (Source: Content Plus)
53. 70% of consumers say content marketing makes them feel closer to the sponsoring company. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
54. 60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site. (Source: Content Plus)
55. 90% of consumers find custom content useful, and 78% believe that organizations behind the content are interested in building good relationships. (Source: TMG Custom Media)