Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest, the darling digital pin board that’s turned the social media world upside down, is now a top traffic driver for brands. That’s a good sign marketers should get their butts up to speed on the latest pinning tips and tricks.
Fortunately for you, MDGadvertising has created an infographic explaining the nooks and crannies of the social network. Many brands — such as Etsy, Real Simple, Whole Foods and West Elm — are on board and have already amassed significant followings.
This infographic explains some Pinterest basics, such as explaining what a Pin, Repin and Board are, and provides five tips. You should first decide whether Pinterest is a fit for your product. Selling life insurance? This might not be a helpful platform for you. If you think Pinterest is right for your brand, go ahead and add a “Pin It” button to your site. Make sure to use great visuals. Pin products you love but don’t sell — this site isn’t all about self-promotion. Add some early Pinterest all-stars and learn from their strategies.

SEE ALSO: Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn Combined [STUDY]
You’re probably not surprised that 87% of Pinterst users are women. However, you may not realize that the site has a significant age range, with 80% of users fairly evenly distributed between 25 to 54. If you haven’t caught the Pinterest bug yet, be assured many others have. According to a comScore report, it was the fastest standalone site in history to pass the 10 million users mark, which happened in January.
Are you a marketer using Pinterest? How have you jumped on board the Pinterest train? Share you best practices in the comments.