Friday, July 11, 2014

10 Ways to Convert More Customers Using Psychology

10 Ways to Convert More Customers Using Psychology

The more you know about your customers, the better. If you know what makes people tick, the better off your business will be. Having at least a basic understanding of consumer psychology and why they buy specific products is a valuable asset for marketers.
As an online marketer looking to improve conversions, you need to learn why people purchase your products or services. Viewing case studies can provide ideas on tweaks that have worked for others, but if you don’t actually learn or hypothesize why one tweak increased or decreased conversions, you’ll never actually become better. Good A/B tests require proper documentation and a “post analysis” when the test is complete.
Today’s infographic lists 10 psychological studies that have been proven to convert consumers to saying “yes”.
Thanks to Helpscout for providing us with the infographic. If you’re looking for a deeper explanation on each of these tips, check out the guide they made.
10 Ways to Convert More Customers Infographic