Monday, August 18, 2014

People are Plugged In

We Basically Never Unplug

Here's a chart that's both surprising and unsurprising. 

People in the United States rarely unplug from gadgets according to a survey by CivicScience. As you can see, 43% of those polled say they never unplug. And 17% say a few times a year. 

CivicScience seems to have cast a very wide net for its definition of "unplug" with TV, internet, smartphones, etc. counting.

We first saw this at Fred Wilson's blog. He got it from Brian Fitzgerald at the WSJ. Both Fitzgerald and Wilson ask their readers how often they unplug. 

For what it's worth, I would say I never unplug entirely. I always check the internet even when I'm on vacation. I enjoy it. I like seeing what's going on in the world. I don't check email as much, but that's about it. It doesn't stress me out too much, unless I see the wrong email.

Anyway, what about you? Do you unplug, do you feel like you need to, or even want to?