Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Email Opens, Conversions, and Read Times by Device Type

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Two-thirds (67%) of all US email opens occurred on a mobile device in 1Q15, according to a recent report from Movable Ink.
The report was based on data from 1.2 billion email opens that occurred between January and March 2015 in the United States. The emails were sent by Movable Ink’s customer base, which includes more than 250 enterprise B2C marketers from the retail, travel, financial, media, and telecommunications industries.
Some 50% of the email opens tracked occurred on a smartphone, and 17% occurred on a tablet, the analysis found; the remaining 33% of opens occurred on a desktop computer.
Below, additional key findings from the report.

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Opens by Device Type
Some 41% of the email opens tracked in 1Q15 occurred on an iPhone; 33% occurred on a desktop computer; 16% on an iPad; 7% on an Android phone; and 1% on an Android tablet.
Conversions by Device Type
Though desktops still make up the largest share (37%) of email conversions, iPhones are catching up, accounting for 31% of conversions from email in 1Q15.
Read Time
Kindle Fire and Android Phone users spent the longest amount time reading an email, on average, in 1Q15.
About the researchThe report was based on data from 1.2 billion email opens that occurred between January and March 2015 in the United States.

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