Saturday, October 5, 2024

Marketing Prompts

 You're to role-play with the user taking on the following buyer persona of the attached document. [Insert persona] is the target customer of [Your company] which offers [explain in detail what you offer]

[Persona]'s biggest (but not limited to) problems are:

[Insert 3 biggest problems]

Whenever making any decision, ensure those problems are enacted as your primary pain-points and then everything else after.

Response guide:

- Always talk from the perspective of [Persona] (1st person)

[Persona] is roleplaying as the customer, where the user is [Company] (the seller).

- Respond with quotation marks around what [Persona] would say, then put in brackets what they are thinking.

- When mentioning what they are thinking, focus on their emotions.

An example response:

"I think this webpage needs more explanation around what inbox management is" 

(What is Emily thinking?: She is confused and doesn't know if inbox management means setting up the mailboxes or responding to leads)

On Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 8:24 PM Les Tapolczai <> wrote:

Learn more about your customers than even they do

PROMPT 1: Market Overview 

Prompt: Today, you're a world-class marketing analyst with meticulous attention to detail. I want you to create the ideal buyer persona profile for an [Insert what your business does][Explain how you do it]. The typical buyer of this service is usually [who is your target audience?]. Include Demographics, Psychographics, Main Challenges, Values, and Motivations of this buyer persona. We're looking for key emotional drivers. Give the persona a real name so it's easy for us to refer to it going forward. 

Example Prompt: Today, you're a world-class marketing analyst with meticulous attention to detail. I want you to create the ideal buyer persona profile for a lead-generation company which uses AI to help you book more meetings without growing your headcount. They do this by using AI automation to reduce the work required to book meetings whilst increasing volume. The typical buyer of this service is usually a head of growth/sales at a tech company with 50-200 headcount and based in the UK. Include Demographics, Psychographics, Main Challenges, Values, and Motivations of this buyer persona. We're looking for key emotional drivers. Give the persona a real name so it's easy for us to refer to it going forward. 

PROMPT 2: Market’s Fears 

Prompt: Great job. Now tell me 5 fears [PERSONA] has around [INSERT ONE OF THE MAIN CHALLENGES CHATGPT GIVES YOU] and what will happen if they don't address the problem. I don't want boring surface level answers. Give me the deepest fears that [PERSONA] likely wouldn't admit out loud unless nobody else was listening. Fears that can often keep them awake at night.

Example Prompt: Great job. Now tell me 5 fears Alex has around “Challenges in scaling operations efficiently while maintaining or improving lead quality and what will happen if they don't address the problem. I don't want boring surface level answers. Give me the deepest fears that Alex likely wouldn't admit out loud unless nobody else was listening. Fears that can often keep them awake at night.

PROMPT 3: User Scenarios

Prompt: Thank you. Now give me more SPECIFIC examples of how each of these fears would affect SPECIFIC relationships. Be vivid, descriptive, and emotional. How would these fears (if realized) impact the people around [PERSONA]? In [PERSONA’S] mind (where he imagines the worst case) how would these people treat them? What would those people say? HERE ARE SOME ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES: [INSERT SCENARIOS THEY WILL LIKELY BE IN]. 

Example Prompt: Thank you. Now give me more SPECIFIC examples of how each of these fears would affect SPECIFIC relationships. Be vivid, descriptive, and emotional. How would these fears (if realized) impact the people around Alex? In Alex’s mind (where he imagines the worst case) how would these people treat them? What would those people say? HERE ARE SOME ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES: Sitting in a meeting with their boss discussing how they could use AI to improve their growth. Discussing AI with their competitors and not knowing what to say. Their employee suggests a new AI tool to implement but they don’t know much about AI to know whether to integrate it or not.

PROMPT 4: Magic Genie Part I

Prompt: OK, now imagine that [Persona] meets a magic genie that can create the perfect [your offering] for them that actually addresses and solves their issue. In this idealistic scenario, list 20 outcomes [Persona] would want this new [your offering] to bring them.

Example Prompt: OK, now imagine that Alex meets a magic genie that can create the perfect lead-gen company for them that actually addresses and solves their issue. In this idealistic scenario, list 20 outcomes Alex would want this new lead-gen company to bring them.

PROMPT 5: Risk-Reversal

Prompt: Now imagine that [PERSONA] meets a sales-man of the [PERSONA]. They’ve now been pitched. Taking into consideration the deep fears and challenges faced by [PERSONA], what offer could the sales-man give them which would remove their perceived risk and instead make it appear as if the sales-man and his company are putting some skin in the game. An example of this would be if a lead-gen company had an offer working on a 100% performance basis. Now list 20 ideas.

Example Prompt: Now imagine that Alex meets a sales-man of the Alex. They’ve now been pitched. Taking into consideration the deep fears and challenges faced by Alex, what offer could the sales-man give them which would remove their perceived risk and instead make it appear as if the sales-man and his company are putting some skin in the game. An example of this would be if a lead-gen company had an offer working on a 100% performance basis. Now list 20 ideas.

PROMPT 6: Campaign Specific Offer

Prompt: You’re running a specific campaign targeting people like [PERSONA][SET THE SCENE OF THE CAMPAIGN WITH SOME CONTEXT]. The objective of the campaign is to [DESIRED RESULT FOR YOUR COMPANY].

Directly call out and frame their pain-point/problem we will be fixing for them (focus on the consequences it is causing them): [INSERT ONE PROBLEM]

The result you promise them is: [INSERT ONE RESULT-CLAIM]

You aim to reduce their risk by offering them:  [INSERT ONE RISK-REVERSAL]

Now give 5 examples of how you would word the following (max 15 words for each):

- Fix their problem

- Deliver the specified result

- Reduce their risk

All the examples you give should sound like medium-effort natural-speech and not like cliche marketing copy.

Example Prompt: You’re running a specific campaign targeting people like AlexThe campaign is a cold-outreach campaign via LinkedIn to B2B companies. The objective of the campaign is to drive 20 monthly meetings.

Directly call out and frame their pain-point/problem we will be fixing for them (focus on the consequences it is causing them): Struggling to generate a higher volume of qualified leads without increasing headcount.

The result you promise them is: Book more meetings without having to increase their headcount

You aim to reduce their risk by offering them:  Implementing a model where payment is strictly tied to the quality and quantity of leads generated, ensuring Alex pays only for results.

Now give 5 examples of how you would word the following (max 15 words for each):

- Fix their problem

- Deliver the specified result

- Reduce their risk

All the examples you give should sound like medium-effort natural-speech and not like marketed email-copy.

PROMPT 7: Summary 

Now, take everything you've learned about this buyer persona [PERSONA NAME] and write me a comprehensive, detailed summary of all relevant details.

I want this summary to be something I can send to you. So that you can help me write effective advertising materials targeting personas like [PERSONA NAME] - stuff like Ads, emails, sales letters. 

This summary must include all the deep emotional drivers that inspire people like [PERSONA NAME] into taking action. Include all relevant details, quotes. Remember this summary is designed to give you (ChatGPT) the best possible context about this market. 

But I want that summary to be something I can paste into a single prompt. Make it as long as it needs to be.