Monday, August 8, 2011

Digital Moms Favour Informative Ads

JULY 29, 2011
Detailed digital advertising a good bet to reach mom demographic
As the family’s chief purchasing officer, mothers are VIPs to marketers. And to reach moms, marketers are wise to invest in digital advertising.
When the Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement and Media Behavior Institute surveyed US moms about the media activities they engage in during weekdays, they found that among both millennial and Gen X mothers, mobile usage was most common—even ahead of television.
Other favorites in the digital area among moms of all ages are going online, social networking and emailing.
Weekday Media Activities of US Moms, by Generation, March 2011 (% of respondents in each group)
And when it comes to advertisements, another survey of moms by could lead to the conclusion that the type of ads that engage mothers are those best experienced online. For example, 51% of moms said “ads that provide detailed information about how I can use a product” grab their attention. After all, it is difficult to offer much detail in a 60-second TV spot.
Some 39% of’s respondents pointed to “visually appealing ads,” while another 21% were attentive to interactive ads like polls, quizzes and games.
Online Ad Formats that Grab Their Attention According to US Mom Internet Users, Spring 2011 (% of respondents)
The actions moms took after viewing online ads is another argument in favor of buying digital placements. Some 53% visited the product website, followed by 51% who printed ads or coupons. Forty-eight percent of moms—notorious for their thorough product investigations on the internet—did more research online, and 44% clicked on the ad. Nearly four in 10 moms purchased the product being advertised.