We’ve all heard the numbers…”Google+ has hit 20 million unique visitors, 60% of whom are 18 to 25 years old and 63% of whom are male, according to comScore.” (source)
So a bunch of college-aged guys are hanging out on this new social platform? Explanation?
 Most college students have at least heard of the “New Facebook” and may have even begged for an invite from a friend. However, they soon run into the most common problem facing this service with so much potential. None of their friends use it yet! Where are these 20 million users we've heard about and more importantly, who are they?
A hypothesis: Google Plus was opened to users mid summer which may have been part of a very strategic campaign. This has allowed time for the tech savvy to explore the platform and start working out the kinks. It appears that males seem to make up most of this populatiion as females wait for thier friends to join up. Regardless, the network is growing due to the exclusive feeling created by the invite system. By the time fall semester rolls around, there should be quite a buzz surrounding Google Plus. 
Not sure whether to re-create yourself on this new platform? Here are a few reasons Google Plus beats out Facebook:
1. It is tabbed with your Gmail, Google Calendar, Documents, and the recently added a Gaming system which makes for insanely fast updates and usability
2. Provides more of a conversational platform instead of a quick update style wall
3. Hangouts allow for multiple friends to video chat at once
4. Customizable news feeds from your “circles” filter out who you want to read about
Here is a complete ” How To” guide for starting your G+ Account “G+ simplified” 
With college approaching rapidly and social networking growing just as fast, Google plus will definitely have a shot at being the next big thing social media platform. Time will only tell if the gender ration will even out but one thing is for sure, Google Plus is here to stay.